What in the World are Mighty Frighties?
Mighty Frighties have an amazing story! Did you know that they used to live in a glow worm cave, and that they were discovered by a pompous scientist? Read all about it here!
How Did Mighty Frighties Get Their Name?
Mighty Frighties got their name because they are brave and adventurous. If you are worried or scared, hug one! You’ll feel much, much, much better!
They also got their name because their funny-shaped horns resemble flexed muscles—try it yourself! Spread your arms out to the sides and then bend your elbows towards you, curling your fists. Yeah!!!
Now turn your arms upside down
(it helps to make a Grrrrr sound).
You did it!
Who are Mighty Frighties for?
Mighty Frighties are for everyone—EXCEPT babies, very small children, or pets. Their soft fur can shed or get in a baby’s or pet’s mouth, and it doesn’t taste very good—trust us on this one! So to make it simple, we’ll say they’re for humans only, ages 3+.
How Do I Care for My Mighty Frighty?
Mighty Frighties don’t like getting wet, but if yours has gotten into a little mischief, you can spot treat it with some water and mild detergent (like Woolite) and air dry it. Don’t put it in the dryer! Its fur can melt, and that would just make it (and you) very, very sad.
What Are Mighty Frighties' Favorite Activities?
Mighty Frighties love nothing more than being with their best friend—YOU! Their favorite activities include cuddling with you, riding with you on buses, trains, airplanes, and car rides, and watching TV with you. They aren’t any good at video games, but they love to watch you play!